With the launch of the Playstation VR system, it’s a safe bet that gamers interest in PSVR porn is about to explode, and if you landed on this post in your search for Playstation virtual reality porn, it is safe to say vrporn.com is the right place to check out the future of PSVR porn.
Image Credit: Sony Computer Entertainment PlayStation
Gamers and Porn
First and foremost, PSVR is a great step on the road to mass adoption of VR and great for current and future PS4 owners wanting an immersive VR porn experience.
Gamers drive innovation in technology and VR is no exception. This was the case for the adoption of Blu Ray technology. PS3 owners liked to play great games and watch high quality adult entertainment, hence why the PS3 built in Blu Ray player beat out the Microsoft Xbox 360 HD DVD player.
But enough about that.
You’re here because you have a shiny new PSVR headset and you want to experience the best thing to adult entertainment since the internet, PSVR porn.
Image Credit: cramgaming.com
PSVR Porn in browser
Now, PSVR is not launching with a dedicated VR web browser, let alone a VR navigation hub. However, the PS4 operating system does include a 2D web browser, and PSVR’s cinematic mode allows user to view its standard interface in 2D while wearing a PSVR headset.
Once a PSVR user is browsing the web in cinematic mode, a simple search engine inquiry for “PSVR porn” or “VR porn” will yield a number of different VR porn sites such as vrporn.com. Or this article on top Playstation site PSU.com featuring the founder of vrporn.com.
This is where it gets tricky. Although PSVR users may be able to access VR porn sites, a fully immersive PSVR porn experience and media player will not be compatible on PSVR with the day one launch.
However, do not let this be a deterrent. PSVR users can still explore other traditional “flat porn sites” in the PSVR cinematic mode. PSVR’s cinematic mode will not be as immersive as full VR porn, but experiencing some of your favorite porn on a virtual screen upwards of 226-inches will still blow PSVR users minds.
Also, as stated previously, gamers drive technological innovation, and in a similar fashion it will only be a matter of time before PSVR porn will be accessible. This can happen on a few ways.
Image Credit: Gizmodo UK
First, Sony could release an update that allows PSVR user to watch VR content on the PS4 web browser. But keep in mind that this would be dictated by Sony.
Second, there is a much larger movement in the VR community called WebVR, which is an experimental JavaScript API that provides access to Virtual Reality devices, such as the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Samsung Gear VR, or Google Cardboard, and now potentially the PSVR access to VR porn.
Third, now that PSVR is in the hands of the masses it is also possible that some clever gamers develop a temporary work around until PSVR porn is readily available.
What’s next for PSVR Porn
With all that said, don’t fret PSVR porn seekers, there are always bumps in the road with new technology, and this happens to be one of them.
Lastly, do not forget to check out vrporn.com for up to date information on PSVR porn capabilites, we will be keeping a close eye on any progess made moving foward. Or if you have any other VR system check out vrporn.com for troves of new free vr porn videos, games, and more which is updated daily.
Featured image: ir.net
PSVR won’t be complete without porn, lol. Very Informative, thanks
anyone have a list of VR games available now?
Any idea how to get vr videos to work in Media Player? Sony says it’s possible, but I don’t see the VR option they’re talking about.
I love my new PSVR ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Kind of lame that the PS4 Pro is coming out a month after PSVR. But I guess PSVR is tuned to work for the standard PS4, that’s what most people are gonna have for a while.