The developer and manufacturer of pretty much every android’s CPU is getting into the virtual reality headset game big time. Yes, Qualcomm, the maker of the Snapdragon processors is releasing their own VR headset that will potentially be much better for VR porn than current Google Cardboard, Gear VR and even HTV Vives. Before I explain why, I will provide a little background on Qualcomm while providing details about their new VR headset.
Reference Design
Like Intel’s Project Alloy, Qualcomm is getting into the VR game indirectly by building reference designs that they will sell to interested headset developers and manufacturers. This reference platform for standalone virtual reality headsets is called the Snapdragon VR820. This is good for consumers because it means VR companies have to spend less time developing their own headsets. At the same time, it means that shared hardware specs could end up dominating the market. If this does happen, software compatibility between headsets will be less of an issue.
So, what will the Qualcomm-designed headset bring to consumers? For starters, it brings the powerful new Snapdragon 835 processor. This is the processor that is rumored to be included in the Samsung Galaxy S8. Apparently, Samsung has ordered so many Snapdragons, the 835 will be in short supply. It is too early to tell whether this will disrupt Qualcomm’s VR ambitions.
Either way, the 835 is a beastly processor. Qualcomm says that it was designed with VR in mind. Recent benchmarks demonstrate that its GPU is much faster than last year’s 820 and 821 processors. This means that VR graphics will be smoother and more detailed than anything currently available on the Google Daydream or Cardboard headsets.
Because Qualcomm includes a Snapdragon CPU in the headset, no cell phone is required. The unit will be self-contained. Beyond providing a beefy CPU, the headset reference design contains everything else you may want in a VR headset. I am not joking, this thing is packed to the brim!
Qualcomm says that it includes inside out tracking. Like the Project Alloy, you don’t need to put up sensors around your room to track the headset. The headset includes sensors on it that track its position in real time. Also, here, we have eye-tracking. Eye tracking could be used in a variety of ways to make VR experiences better. Foveated rendering is such a case. The Qualcomm VR also includes hand-tracking. Using Leap Motion’s mobile sensor, potentially, you will be able to see your own hands in VR. This will have many interesting applications for virtual reality porn such as different sex positions on various adult VR porn games as I am sure you can imagine!
Beyond all the new tracking technologies, standard 6 degrees of freedom tracking via accelerometers is here as well. The headset has a fast 90hz refresh rate that should provide smooth visuals. A large 4Gb of ram should aid the graphical system that is running the sharp 2560×1440 AMOLED display.
All of this together will provide a super fast, sharp, responsive and highly trackable interactive VR headset experience. Given that the headset is an all-in-one, the headset will not be a fiddly half VR device like a Google Cardboard. You won’t have worry about fitting your cell phone into a headset or getting your PC ready to run a VR app. It will be ready to go, wireless and handy waiting for you when you need it. Dedicated to one task and functioning without wires, this Qualcomm headset could end up being the perfect VR porn machine that is ready for you whenever you need it.
SpestookVR says
And I’m sure this one’s gonna be a beast in my wallet too. Lol
allency99 says
I guess they are going to have very competitive pricing on this.
banneregal says
bang now qualcomm is also in the business and with a bang. This product looks better in specs but not so good at looks.
VRTechie says
It’s great to see that more companies are coming with mobile VR headset with top-of-the-line specs and features like built-in positional tracking, eye-tracking and others
[deleted user] says
This looks really cool. Looking forward to trying this new generation of all-in-one vr headsets with motion tracking.