“Elizabeth cooked you a huge thanksgiving yesterday. All of your favorite sweets and savories on one table, and she made it all herself. What a sweetheart! Even though you’re back in the work office today, she paid you a visit. Maybe it’s time for you to give thanks.”
– Secretary Karissa
Animation by the Dark Dreams VR team, including Jeckylll ( https://twitter.com/DoubleJeckylll ) and Shmopla ( https://twitter.com/Shmopla ). The voice acting was done by V Silvermoon ( https://twitter.com/v_silvermoon ).
WarioZ says
I just want to see more squirting on the dick scenes like this, preferably in cowgirl poses
Riddlerbyte says
can we get random close ups/kisses/ hands on shoulders my lord?
OGVRFanatic says
Nice job, gotta love Liz!
bruhfrman says
DarkDreams we need a VR animation where there is fucking + kissing at the same time please! That would be great!
SabitaUsagi says
Animation with kissing in PoV angle VR is one of those things that’s extremely difficult to achieve. It’s one thing to have the girl kiss the neck or other area’s. But to make something look like actual kissing and not have the model face clip into the camera…. Ehhhhhh
I’d love to see it too but that’s a serious challenge.
kevinbbc says
can we get some better characters