To view this video, use our passthrough mode in the PLAY’A App. Step-by-step instructions are here.
Enjoy this Dark Room Video and let us know how you like it. This can be viewed as Passthrough video also. Your best friend’s girlfriend wants to see you. She confesses she had a dream about you two last night. She thinks you are like the best guy and even nicer than her boyfriend. And the dream…in it you and her fucked all night long and it was perfect. Now she cant help it but wants to make that become reality. Are you the new man of her dreams? Even she is dating your best friend for now.
Anyone know how to get this to work in Heresphere? It’s not alpha channel passthrough and the black background doesn’t work with chroma key. Other videos from this studio without the black background do work with chroma key. They’re not great, but they work.
It works in the PLAY’A app without making any setting adjustments. It’s not perfect in that app, but makes it fappable.
It worked in the PLAY’A app. I’m not a fan of the app, but it’s not terrible and does the job. I’m used to Heresphere and have put in the time to learning how it works. The visual quality of the passthrough on this video terrible though. There is a weird spotted outline around the performer, almost like TV static. I’m sure I could get it to look better in Heresphere with the original video without the adjustments that were done to make the background black.