Skyrim VR is finally here and there’s good news and bad news. The good news is that most Skyrim mods work in VR. The bad news is that many of the sexiest mods do not.
Almost all the adult mods that deal with meshes and textures work perfectly fine. But some of the most famous Skyrim porn mods (like Sexlab) don’t work because they require a third-person point of view. They also rely on something called the Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) which isn’t available for VR yet.
The Essentials
There are so many mods in Skyrim that it can be overwhelming. But if you’re looking to modify the women of Skyrim, you should start with either CBBE or UNP. These mods do a complete overhaul of the female characters in the game.
Both CBBE and UNP provide the basic framework for customizing bodies and clothing, and you’ll find that many other Skyrim sex mods require one of these as their foundation. Let’s start by taking a closer look at these two main options, and then later we’ll look at some add-ons to really “flesh” out their features.
UNP stands for Unpretend. It is a female body mod created by Dimon99.
Although you can place additional mods on top of UNP, this mod is designed to be an all-in-one solution. It replaces the appearance of all the CGI women in the game and puts them in your choice of clothing (or lack thereof). Generally speaking, stock UNP girls tend to have a very realistic shape but are less voluptuous than those found in CBBE.
CBBE stands for Caliente Beautiful Bodies Enhancer. This is an alternative to UNP that tends to favor curvier models and more customization. CBBE comes with three nude options and also includes two different underwear styles for those who like a little mystery.
Blessed Body Add-on
Blessed Body is one of the most popular variations on the UNP base models. You’ll definitely want to consider this mod if you opt for the UNP route. It basically takes the stock UNP girls and gives them bigger boobs. The shapes are close enough to the original UNP models that all the UNP clothing and textures still work.
Body Slider Add-on
Body Slider is a very useful tool for CBBE users. It lets you customize the model’s shape by adjusting a series of sliders. This mod opens up customization options that are similar to other adult VR games on the market.
Body Slider can be used with UNP models too but there is some conversion involved.
VR Mirror
A lot of Skyrim VR porn mods involve changing the appearance of your own character. In VR, this poses a bit of a problem since you don’t actually see yourself. This VR Mirror lets you gaze at your sexy reflection even though you’re stuck in first-person mode.
Skyrim VR
Skyrim VR can’t be modded as heavily as the pancake version but there are still hundreds of ways to make the game’s babes sexier. Skyrim VR might not be the ultimate VR porn game yet, but it definitely has potential.
Until Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) is compatible with Skyrim VR, the best mods to start with are UNP and CBBE. Either of these mods will give you everything you need to experience hot girls in Skyrim while also leaving plenty of room for customization down the line.
willgeart499 says
this UNP looks super real, i cant wait to see more of this
[deleted user] says
SkyRimVR has been getting lots of attention, but it needs more. It’s like a dream come true, the current best in VR. I’ve been wanting World of Warcraft VR, and I never tried SkyRim before, but I’m so happy this is now reality.
Oh yeah, and porn too 😉
narsaku says
World of Warcraft VR isn’t a thing yet, but there are some really cool VR demos you can download and explore in VR. Some of them even have secrets you can find like dancing with the dragon queen in her tower. You can find the demos here~