The Commander is ultra capable. Her flexibility is unmatched, in both mission adaption and physique. There does come a time that one of her subordinates needs reminding of that. Close, intimate reminding.
– Secretary Karissa
Animation by LazyProcrastinator ( ) and soundwork by Audiodude ( ).
BlinkedCali says
bigcheater says
I agree, quality has been shit lately. Voices don’t even match the mouths in most of these videos now, tons of clipping issues.
SabitaUsagi says
Clipping issues? I’m not seeing that in this.
[deleted user] says
I mean, what the hell? Quality lately really down on DarkDreams…
SabitaUsagi says
What’s wrong with it?
[deleted user] says
G.I. Joe leg joints between the thighs? Where is the crotch? It’s basically a whole ass all around.