Demo of breast milking with the Milking Pump in The Villain Simulator.
I want to let you know that I have plans to bring The Villain Simulator to the Premium Membership, this game is still in early development but I will be bringing beta builds of it until it is completed. This way as a Premium member you will be able to test out the most recent features and have a good look at how this game evolves.
Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Non VR Ready.
For more information please visit my Patreon page:
This is simultaneously one of the stupidest and awesome things I’ve ever seen. I love it
I really like the graphics and feel for this. It’s kind of like Portal meets vr porn lol. If I could add a little feedback, please tone down the sadistic side of things, or else this won’t be able to reach a larger audience.
I am not able to find link for the demo, anyone please help
There is still not demo of this game, I will release one once its in a better state. Right now there are only beta versions available for supporters of this project.
awesome man, will wait for it and go to support on patreon