She eagerly stalked you for most of your journey. Clearly she’s just that into you. And hey- why shouldn’t you woo her? You’ve been adventuring for months and ending this dry spell is past due.
– Secretary Karissa
Animation by the Dark Dreams team, including Laarel on sound.
Hey DarkDreams team,
Don’t know if anyone else on here has said this before, but what you guys do is really cool. With all the content on this site behind a paywall its really cool to have an awesome source of such high quality vr content for free. I would help out but times are especially tough for me right now and I just gotta be careful where I use what’s left of my money. Just wanted to say I really appreciate what you all do and thank you.
Its hard to believe this doesn’t exist yet and not sure if you take requests, but can you make one with Zelda from Breath of the Wild?
there’s so much non-vr botw, it might be the cell shading that looks bad in VR