Luna Nebula is unsure what outfit to wear to her job interview. With her large breasts, she doesn’t want to look too sexy and presents you with two outfits that she would feel comfortable with. Once you have decided together, you still have a few hours to get your nervousness under control. You are a little surprised that Luna agrees to your suggestion of having sex to relax. No sooner said than done, you start the relaxation program. Luna can then start the interview feeling relaxed and confident – thanks for your help.
Luna Nebula ist sich unsicher, welches Outfit sie zu ihrem Bewerbungsgespräch anziehen soll. Mit ihren großen Brüsten will sie nicht zu sexy wirken und stellt dir zwei Outfits vor, mit denen sie sich wohlfühlen würde. Nachdem ihr euch gemeinsam entschieden habt, bleiben noch ein paar Stunden, um die Nervosität in den Griff zu bekommen. Es überrascht dich ein wenig, dass Luna auf deinen Vorschlag eingeht, zur Entspannung etwas Sex zu haben. Gesagt, getan und ihr beginnt mit dem Entspannungs-Programm. Anschließend kann Luna ganz relaxed und selbstsicher zum Bewerbungsgespräch starten – danke für deine Hilfe.
shooterwatery says
get well soon
muledon says
Sorry to hear about her accident. Hoping for a speedy recovery.
KinkyGirlsBerlin says
I think everything went fine.
daveyk8547 says
Wow Luna is so gorgeous! Sorry to hear about her accident hope she’s okay. Would love to see more of her some day.
KinkyGirlsBerlin says
We hope so too.
CR3999 says
Luna is Superb, Beyond expectations!
More of her please
KinkyGirlsBerlin says
Sadly there are only 3 scenes with her – then she had an car accident and is still recovering from it. So we do not know about more scenes.
hungryforboobs says
hope she recovers soon!
KinkyGirlsBerlin says
I think she did – we have not heard of her personally. But I can ask the agency.
datsmn22 says
Dynamite Tits! would love to see more of her maybe in higher quality