Consider Kagney Linn Karter, one of the most beautiful women to ever grace planet Earth and enchant the ever-desiring eyes of every porn aficionado. Once you take a look at her breath-taking blue eyes, notice how her long blond hair falls over her breasts, and see how her proportions would make a real-life Barbie doll feel jealous, you’re forever doomed. If you’re into ladies with blond hair, angelic faces and voluptuous bodies, then you’re in for a treat you will always want to come back to.
But there’s more to this whole situation: this petite Texan hottie has no record of being shy in front of a camera and always seems to be willing to take that extra step further just to please our eyes. If only we could all enjoy intimate moments with this sultry perverted angel who looks like she’s missing her wings, arrows and bow…

Seriously, this lady is so gorgeous that our beloved website uses her image for promotional purposes. We simply love her! If her pretty face doesn’t convince you to try VR porn, then we have no idea what will. A scene with Kayden Kross and 6 other babes, maybe? Image Source: VRPorn.com / BaDoinkVR.
Here’s the good news, though: we may not be able to hook up with Kagney to fulfill our wildest fantasies, but we can see her doing pretty much everything her innocent face doesn’t suggest she would ever do: erotic softcore galleries for well-known magazines, hardcore scenes for some of the biggest porn studios around the world, wild side exploration in interracial gangbangs, as well as tender and passionate lesbian scenes with her friends. This girl has it all and does it all!
As the title suggests, this article is a comparison between the 4 main means of presenting and marketing adult content: and since Kagney has accomplished all the standards in her prolific 8-year career, then she will serve as the perfect benchmark for this showdown. In order to address the question “How can we better enjoy porn?”, we choose the contemporary queen of porn (a true Jenna Jameson of our days) and analyze the best way to enjoy her work.
A. Kagney Lynn Karter as a Magazine Super Model
Consider this: it’s a lonely Saturday night, you walk the streets with a frown while feeling lost, lonely and somewhat desperate. It might just be April 2009, the seller from the newspaper kiosk may be a time traveler, or you might have just stepped into Rod Seling’s Twilight Zone – the specifics really don’t matter.
However, you raise your weary head and you find yourself staring at a magazine cover which depicts an angel who must have descended from Heaven. Your heart starts beating faster, you can’t resist the urge of getting closer, you don’t care what people passing by might think, and you you find yourself nearly drooling all over the magazine cover. You know that you must have it and your new quest involves getting home as soon as possible just to find the required privacy for quality time with one of the most delightful women you ever set eyes on.

The title reads clearly “I’m ready for you” and you just can’t question her intentions. She’s too good to be true and you must have her. Image Source: Hustler Magazine.
There are certainly pros to printed magazines: they’re exciting, they’re affordable, and they depict nearly-perfect pictures. The contemporary Photoshop standard doesn’t leave room for something that doesn’t come close to perfection and the pictures are taken by professionals who choose the best few photographs in a few hundreds. This is part of the charm of porn mags: they never disappoint because you never see the ladies (just look at Kagney!) in motion or without a ton of make-up. The stills never reveal that one gesture or angle that can make you question the lady’s beauty. We know it’s fake, but we enjoy it for what it is, the cheap solution which employs all of your imagination in order to create steamy scenarios. You pay $8 and you get the $8 experience of Kagney’s mesmerizing beauty.
However, technological developments provide plenty of cons: Something that costs $8 and is made of temporary and degrading paper doesn’t have much of a lasting effect. Also, it’s very likely that you will get bored of the pictures within the pages of a single magazine and start wishing for something more. Will you buy another magazine for the same money you can get a subscription to a porn site which provides you thousands of hours of excellent photo or video content? Well, it doesn’t seem like much of a rational choice. Also, stacking magazines can be nasty and unaesthetic in terms of.. house decoration. Hiding a pile of magazines you can get judged for every time somebody visits your house doesn’t sound like much of a great game plan. Just remember: nobody will ever know about that porn site subscription unless you show them or they check your bank account transcripts. Otherwise, you’re free from all the conservative judgemental thoughts: people will likely think that you’re a perv if you keep stacks of adult magazines in your house (which are hard to hide), but visitors cannot see your browsing history or your files unless you openly allow them to (which is quite unlikely). The last argument against the paper format: just think about the trees! Computer and TV screens are brighter, you can zoom on the images, you can crop them and you can save them forever on your drives. However, the first flood (or your dog) can ruin your magazine collection anytime – thus making a million trees cry for their dead brother who couldn’t even make it in a processed form. With $90 a year you get some incredible offers for digital porn. You’re also helping Kagney a lot more by purchasing her digital content, as I doubt any of the revenues from magazine sales have filled her pockets.
B. Kagney Linn Karter in 2D Digital Porn
Internet porn is the apex of ugh..quality time enjoyment and it took decades for the technology to truly blossom into the diverse and all-fulfilling medium that we have today (which I’m sure even a timeless beauty like Kagney loves). However, depending on the filming and production technology, one can distinguish between 3 genres: 2D porn, 3D porn, and VR porn. And in order to better enjoy Kagney, we must get a taste of every one of them and evaluate the experiences.
We can all agree that Kagney Linn Karter’s most extensive body of work can be found in the shape of simple, two-dimensional videos. Basically, it’s just footage of her delightful and graceful self getting naughty in front of a camera. The recordings can be standard definition (SD), high-definition (HD), or even 4 times the high definition standard (4K). The bottom line is that the entertainment is straight-forward, non-interactive, intangible and distant. Old film reels, VHS tapes, Betamax, Laserdisc, Compact Disc, DVD and even Blu-Ray have all paved the way to a new standard of quality and pure visual bliss. However, it was the internet that took the industry to a whole new level and today we can find every pornographic production ever made on one of the rich offerings of the studios or intermediary websites. Few people actually take the bold step of acquiring the disc (with a large, flashy and explicit jewel case) these days. It’s all about storing the productions in a cloud for online streams, or having a personal collection of good stuff on a private hard drive. Therefore, the review will only consider the online medium in order to proceed with the analysis.

Kagney Linn Karter on the cover of the 2D production “Bad Girls 4”, looking as stunning as ever. Image Source: Digital Playground.
The 2009 film “Bad Girls 4” is a perfect example to plead for the case: the beautiful Kagney gets the spotlight in the final scene of the production and shines in every possible way one can imagine. Watching her moan, exhale sensuality and sex appeal through her every breath, and put her stunning body to work is an incredible experience that every porn addict of our days must have had at some point.
There’s something really sick, disturbing, yet satisfying in watching a babe with a beautiful face and a perfect body get ruined by an enormous penis. It’s hard to describe the feeling, but part of you wishes you were fortunate enough to
But let’s present the facts in a structured way.
The pros for 2D internet porn are the following: you get a significant upgrade from magazines or VHS/Betamax tapes that need rewinding (also, you don’t have to worry about losing or scratching a disk, as the content is there to stay forever – or at least for as long as you can afford accessing it). Depending on the production, theme and script, the experience can be sensual and arousing, or plain brutal. There are many genres of porn which satisfy various needs and stages of our existential anguish. We sometimes like to enjoy a very erotic depiction of love making, but there are also instances when we just want to witness a new high in terms of hardcore visual experience (which makes us access the kinkier and darker side of porn websites).
In a nutshell, 2D porn is all-encompassing, diverse, and visually pleasing. There’s enough of Kagney Linn Karter for us to enjoy in whichever situation or state of mind we might find ourselves in. Also, due to the magic of economies of scale, special deals driven by free market competition and immense number of daily accesses, we can have a full month of 2D virtual porn for a lower price than buying a magazine. It’s true that we don’t pay for the salaries of a bunch of journalists who think that somebody actually reads editorial content when there are nude pictures all around, and we don’t support the printed press either (sorry, not sorry). But in the process, we save trees, enjoy much more privacy, and even get much more of Kagney than we could ever dream!

KLK enjoying herself in “Bad Girls 4”. Image Credit: Digital Playground.
In terms of cons, 2D internet porn can make you feel alienated from the act, or even make you experience some sort of voyeur guilt. To put it simply, you are invited into the fantasy world of people who enjoy having sex. You look at it and there is nothing you can do in terms of involvement. You know you’re not there, but you try to satisfy yourself with the images of strangers who mate. As you pleasure yourself or try something new with your partner, you watch the screen and try to imagine that it’s actually you who makes Kagney moan in pleasure. You try to convince your mind that you’re actually pounding the hottest pornstar on Earth and you possess the largest penis she has ever seen (which makes her enjoy the experience even more). But once the actor who is involved with Kagney does something disgusting that you normally wouldn’t (for most of us, licking a woman’s anal orifices or her feet is really nasty), the magic is gone.
You have to look for something that completely appeals to your taste and you must get used to the idea that you’re pretty much stuck with a form of linear entertainment. Oh, and the moments when the camera angles make you see the guy’s asshole are truly disgusting and some of us may feel an instant turnoff.There has to be a better way, right?
C. The Marvelous World of 3D Porn with Kagney Linn Karter in it
In the midst of the craze that followed James Cameron’s “Avatar” and the re-emergence of 3D as a technological advancement, porn production studios have adapted to the new fashionable standard. The new product would require a new filming technology which involves special double-lens cameras, in order to produce a different image for each eye. If, during the viewing process, the right distances are taken into consideration and a pair of goggles is worn, then the human mind will be deceived to think that the events take place right there, in front of the beholder.

Kagney in “Beautiful Tits”, a hardcore production from 2014.
Image Credits: ArchAngel Productions.
The success of a few movies gave birth to a new standard within the film industry, and porn studios had to lead their followers into a new era of more believable images. Our princess Kagney Linn Karter is one of the leaders of the pack, as she shot several films in 3D, much to our delight. We finally got to experience this beautiful lady in a more intimate setting, as she expressed her sexuality in our bedrooms, right in front of our eyes.
Here’s an outline of the pros of 3D porn: For the first time ever, fans could believe that the action they are watching takes place in the same room. It was the same old porn, but more visually-satisfying. You could try to touch Kagney in thin air or even imagine that you’re watching a projection from a futuristic dystopian universe that somewhat resembles Aeon Flux but has the projections from Star Wars (or maybe that it was just me). It’s all about the visuals and the eye-candy: sometimes certain scenes would be filmed so that the bodies or objects come towards you, just to tease you a little bit (I vividly remember a scene with a lady in a bathtub throwing small rubber balls towards the camera). It all seemed great, but at the end of the day it was just a gimmick in order to enrich the visuals of the same classic porn we know and love since our late night experiences of discovering what’s on Cinemax after midnight (or the early days of internet porn, depends on your age).
What are the cons? Well, it just didn’t seem like it was worth it. You could still feel alienated from the action and get the creepy voyeur feeling if there wasn’t enough engagement. If the camera angles weren’t appealing enough and you had to stare at the guy’s asshole, well then I have some bad news for you: this time it was in 3D! Additionally, wearing a pair of glasses seemed goofy, gave us headaches and we just had to get everything right: there’s an ideal distance from the screen, an ideal angle to view the action from, and don’t forget that there are different pairs of glasses depending on the filming technology.

As Kagney gazes into our desperate lost souls, there just seems to be something wrong about the whole situation. It’s like bring there in a very weird and disengaging way. Image Source: ArchAngel.
It all seems like a pointless additional headache. Why would anyone want to go through all this painful process just for some enhanced visuals? At the end of the day you just want to watch your favorite pornstar (in this particular case, Kagney Linn Karter) and have a good time. Also, for every great POV scene which might have gotten you involved or made you feel some new sensations, there were thousands of disengaging scenes that simply missed the point. Personally, I don’t care much about seeing a guy’s semen pop out of his erect penis and cover Kagney in 3D. It somehow amplifies the whole alienation and guilt for voyeurism. Sometimes it just feels so wrong that it turns into a huge turnoff. Also, higher production costs (due to more expensive equipment and extended editing and processing) results in more expensive content. The magical free market economy might have balanced the situation, but it still doesn’t change the fact that 3D porn is more expensive to produce and normally sells at higher prices (yet doesn’t provide that extra satisfaction in order to justify the switch).
D. Kagney in VR Porn. Can This Be the Experience We’ve Searched for All Along?
Virtual Reality has been around for decades: it was a gimmick Nintendo used in the mid-1990s (does anyone remember the awful Virtual Boy?) at a time when they were so successful that flopping would seem unlikely, and it was the kind of technology that legendary id Software programmer John Carmack envisioned for games like DOOM and Quake. It would take Carmack a couple of decades to finally discover that he has all the means necessary to program software and develop the kind of hardware that would carry it. His restless efforts, quantified in game engine development, working on a space project and joining the Oculus Rift team, have forever changed the way we perceive VR. The porn industry certainly owes a lot to the programmer and it’s very likely that a lot of his work was completed thanks to the porn industry’s aid too (he famously stated that a video game’s story is similar to the one from the porn: there has to be a minimal one that gets you interested, but it shouldn’t take away your attention from the game itself).
Oculus Rift and John Carmack have provided our beloved Kagney Linn Karter a new environment to project her utmost sexuality: happily for us, she joined the VR bandwagon and she’s been riding it for quite a while (pun intended). Her performances are top-notch and every time she proves why she’s the queen of the porn industry.

Isn’t she gorgeous? Still shot from the VR production “Jack in the Box”. Image Credits: BaDoinkVR.com/VRPorn.com.
Let’s outline the pros of VR porn: Where should I begin? Well, it’s mostly filmed in a POV manner because you, the user, are an implied participant. The alienation or weird voyeurism factor is simply gone and you feel completely engaged in the action. It’s immersive, it’s visually-stunning, it’s interactive (and if you watch Kagney’s videos, you can see her communicate with you) and it pretty much represents everything 3D porn tried to be (but fell short). Also, the action doesn’t take place in your dull bedroom: once you put on your VR headset, you get teleported into an alternative dimension, one of sheer pleasure and fantasy. You can look around at 180 degrees, the sounds are played through surround speakers so that you feel the ambience of the room and actually feel engaged, and it’s carefully crafted to look just like in those occasions when you actually have sex. If you lose your grip on reality, you might actually get sucked in and begin a new life in a world where you can actually have sex with Kagney and she desires it just as much.
If 3D porn is mostly a single player experience (since it takes a certain angle and a certain position to get the right image), then its VR counterpart can involve couples who want to experiment with different situations. Once you put on your VR headset and play a film, you begin a new adventure in a new situation. You’re the protagonist, the events are all about you, and the satisfaction is guaranteed. Additionally, if you pay close attention, then you might start feeling scents or having the impression of really being touched by the warm body of Kagney.
Talking about payment: VR porn is just as cheap as every other kind of porn on the internet. You can find websites which stream it for free and allow downloads without charge (such as this one), or you can pay for the extended services of a studio. Either way, it’s truly a bargain for what it offers.
Moreover, technological innovations have brought us sex toys which synchronize with your VR porn. You just switch everything on and enjoy a surreal experience that even real sex has a hard time replicating.

She truly rides it in VR. Picture from “Big Black Cock VR”. Image Credits: WANKZVR/VRPorn.com.
But let’s also look into the cons of VR porn: Like everything great and truly useful in this world, VR porn should be used with responsibility and precaution. It certainly isn’t meant to replace your real-life interactions, but to rather supplement them or spice them up.Some people who suffer from epilepsy, schizophrenia or other related diseases should just stay away from it, but I suppose the situation can be applicable for every kind of colorful media (including the plain 2D porn).
Additionally, humping Kagney is certainly a lot of fun and the single closest experience to real sex, but it can still be disappointing when you realize that you’re practically doing sensual moves in thin air. Don’t stop chasing real sexual partners! (and if you find them, start experimenting with VR, it’s tons of fun).
Also, there are three major drawbacks that time and innovations will certainly fix: first of all, there is the issue of comfort. The headset can start feeling heavy and strain your neck if you use it for extended periods of time, and it takes some time to get used to. It’s much more effective than the goofy 3D glasses, but it’s also more expensive (which is the second drawback). The third argument is about the film libraries themselves: while the VR porn film library is expanding, it will take a while until it truly blossoms and reaches its true potential. So far, only a few studios produce such immersive content.
But, once again, the economies of scale and the magic of free market economy will fix these inconveniences within a year or two, and everyone will adopt the technology. Next thing you know, everybody will be riding on the bandwagon of riding Kagney (see what I did there?).
Is there a drawback in terms of getting some action from Kagney? Absolutely not! It’s a dream come true, in spite of the high price tag for the technology!
E. The Verdict. How Can We Better Enjoy Kagney Linn Karter?
Clearly, 2D porn has the largest library and continues to be the most popular for its diversity of content. So if the question is about watching Kagney in as many situations possible, then we have a clear quantitative winner. Qualitatively, the other two medias are somewhat superior (3D porn can be creepy, but has more visual appeal in some cases, while their VR counterpart is absolutely mind-blowing).
However, it’s late 2016 and we can probably all agree that 3D technology was a fad (I feel sorry for those who bought 3D televisions and hoped for the opening of 3D channels or mass releases of DVD/Blu-Ray special editions). There might be studios which still produce porn for this technology, but it’s all just as fashionable as Pokemon Go: it caters to a small audience and there really isn’t anything really revolutionary about it. VR is the way to the future: it has the best visuals and actually tricks your mind that you’re in Kagney’s room and enjoy all the pleasure she can offer.
The price tag for VR technology, ranging from mobile phones to the HTC Vive, is $800 to $1600+ (which includes the processing hardware, such as the computer, the console, or the phone, as well as the VR headset): it might seem high right now, but it’s still cheaper than paying for sexual services (as well as being legal pretty much everywhere around the globe). Also, I doubt more than a couple dozen men on the planet can have Kagney, so VR is the best chance we got.

Image Source: KagneyLinnKarter.com.
Oh, and magazines? They’re just great for the nostalgia factor, for that special scent of printed paper which arouses some of us, and for the wild scenarios we sometimes imagine. They are plain, limited, and leave a lot to imagination. Which can be great for a periodic change, but then again, the same experience can be had on the internet by browsing the same pictures. How about we save some trees? I’m pretty sure Kagney will be grateful and show her gratitude in a new VR video.
Bottom line? Just give VR a try, it’s so great that you won’t believe your senses.
thats a nice wild scene by miss kagney
The evolution of porn with a focus on Kagney Linn, deep