She’s exactly what you needed in your search. Linkle is the common thread, the woman who ties together all of the quests you have yet to resolve. The missing link. Or maybe you’re just so elated to be having sex with her that you’ve simply forgotten your quests.
– Secretary Karissa
This work of art was a custom request by one of our supporters. You too can request through our $10 Comatose Tier on Patreon. Doesn’t that sound exciting? For this particular creation, the animator was Jeckylll ( ). The soundwork comes from Luriam and the voiceacting was by Pixie Willow ( ).
this is good, I enjoyed
Very nice work!
So petite and tiny, hmm fuck yeah
This is just… mmf. Perfection.
Didn’t ask lmao
Seriously, who are you? What’s your problem?
Does it matter? You’re annoying
The fuck is your problem, Dovah?
Ur toxic my dude
Go find Amiino’s comments on Darkdream’s Ganyu elf video. I’m totally the toxic one