credit: Berkeley Breathed’s Bloom County
This particular comic is very popular right now on Facebook. It has over 45,000 likes and over 17,000 shares. Many of us in the VR enthusiast community like to follow the latest inside industry news, but most of the people outside really don’t care about that stuff.
It’s these forms of popular media that expose VR to the much larger outside world.
Bloom County was a popular comic in the 80’s. And it has recently come back in 2015.
It’s by Pulitzer Prize winning comic artist Berkeley Breathed. He has shown an interest in VR in the past, with multiple comics with a VR theme.
Fans can follow the Facebook page for all the latest work.
And BTW, the humor of “Republicans. LOL” may not be your cup of tea. But the context of VR entering popular culture is really cool.