Facebook has a new platform for creating virtual reality apps. It’s called React VR. At the F8 Developer Conference, Facebook just announced that React VR launched yesterday. Based on WebVR and Javascript, it allows developers to easily make super-compatible and easy-to-load virtual reality apps.
React VR is a javascript framework that is related to Facebook’s React framework for standard web apps. Additionally, React VR allows developers to use many of the same tools and code features of React to make simple 360-degree virtual reality apps. If you are a virtual reality developer making games, entertainment apps or adult apps, the React VR platform may be the place you should start.
This means that advanced 3d games will probably not be possible on this platform. That said, this will probably not be as big of a problem as some would expect. Because most virtual reality porn is based on 360 video content, the React VR framework will be good enough.
The React VR framework is especially adept at providing user-interface components for developers. This is great news because developing working user interfaces can be time-consuming and costly. Virtual reality user interfaces are notoriously problematic to develop because they have scaling issues, perspective issues, and general incompatibility problems.
At GitHub, developers can find super-easy and short code examples that show how to set up virtual reality galleries, simple 3d spaces, and animating 3d galleries. In the examples that Facebook provides in the GitHub libraries, it looks like would-be developers will only need to write and modify a few short lines of code to get their own virtual reality experience up and running.
This bypasses the traditional approach that many virtual reality developers take which involves creating or using complex code platforms or costly licensed 3d virtual reality engines. React VR’s approach involves using and combining simple “components” that can be modified with only a small amount of coding knowledge. Each component is set as a “prop” or an insertable object. Each prop has a “state” that accounts for changes to the prop.
There is a wide variety of component that developers can take advantage of here. That said, there are three main components that developers will be using the most. These are “view,” “image,” and “text.” The “view” component handles the user interface, the touch handling, and more. It is the basic component controlling what the user sees. The “image” component allows developers to display images, whereas the “text” component allows developers to present users different styles of text.
Beyond the three basic components that I just mentioned, there is a smorgasbord of other miscellaneous components that can be combined together to make some engaging virtual reality experiences. The other components include “AmbientLight,” “Box,” Cylinder,” “Cylinder Panel,” “Directional Light,” “Model,” “Pano,” “Plane,” “PointLight,” “Scene,” “Sound,” “Sphere,” and “Spotlight.” These components allow developers to put together basic forms of geometry to create virtual reality scenes or objects in scenes.
Virtual reality porn developers would probably be more interested in the video related components that follow. These include “Video,” “Video Control,” “Video Pano,” and “VrButton.” “Video Pano” allows developers to insert displayable 360 videos like the POV videos featured on this site. This component would be the most important component for VR porn developers. The code required to use “Video Pano” is super simple and looks like the following example:
<VideoPano source={{uri: ‘assets/my-video.webm’}} />
To get started, check out Facebook’s GitHub on React VR at the following URL: https://facebook.github.io/react-vr/docs/videopano.html
jabbamers_exo says
Ooooo, interesting. I was a ReactJS web developer before I went into graphic design. This would certainly make a good start for a comeback to programming!
VRTechie says
Great news for developers, specially for the ones who wants to build VR apps using their web development skills and JavaScript, but don’t want to scratch much of their head with complex 3D game development