I’ve watched so much porn in my life it’s incredible.
Having been able to ride the wave from catalogs to magazines to 56k, on in to .mpg’s, dvd’s, and now blu-rays through Four-K’s. Throughout my entire pornventures, I’ve just flat seen so gosh darn many pornographic ‘things’ that I’ve always felt so inclined as to believing that I knew what I wanted, what I expected, out of a video, and knew what I’d ‘wished they’d have done’ differently, or possibly better.
This lifelong waste of time indulging my puddin’-pop in skin flicks has brought itself full circle to the here and now. As a present day 30-something 90’s kid, porn inevitably drove my bank account further into the negative with advent of VR porn, in a world where a magical contraption had never previously existed.
In purchasing my Vive, also came with it the VR room setup, and headset’s assembly / orientation / configuration, followed by the video subscription purchases (yes, I’ve bought several), the HD video’s download (3Gb-10Gb ea), the video program’s further orientation/configuration, and then suddenly, AT LAST, with the last of the prerequisites having now been finally completed, I was able to boot up my machine in gas-guzzler mode, and at last…
Sit and rest, and take in the glory of true virtual reality pornographic video.
And IN AS MUCH as it is, (and feels like always will be) an AMAZING video experience… those same sort of glorious moments, and wastes of time, those same 56k videos which would take 20 minutes for 5Mb, would make you either shrivel with disappointment, or squeal with excitement.. but every time, you never quite knew what the download would be til it was finished, and you finally watched it.
Only now, the stakes have been raised. With data caps, download throttling, bandwidth allocation, and all these digital limitations adding up, the modern person’s expectations have been shifting further and further to the immediate. So much so, that now 10Gb’s is too long of a time for a person to wait, if they’re just going to breeze through it in 2-3 minutes flat, and dismiss it for all time mere moments later.
This new breed of 21st century porn has become an experience you’re expected to sit through, in a day and age where everything else is gently urging you to rush, rush, rush, go, go go. Here VR porn is trying to be a buddy, to say hey, intentionally put the controller down, go out of your way to stop, and come waste some quality time on watching what this here sexy girl’s O-face looks like.
Well fear not, fellow lazy pornographers! For I shall shine through! I shall exact my revenge on this cursed gift of mine, by sharing my knowledge with you, my fellow VR Porn brethren! I shall save you from the lengthy download of that thing-you-don’t-like, and bathe you instead in sweet sweet bukkaknowledge before you hit that download button!
That’s why I’m sharing with you, dear reader, by way of my grading system below, what, why, and…
…How BEST to waste your time with VR porn.
Videos are to be judged based on a complete single play-through, without skips and pauses for note taking.
All videos watched through HTC Vive, using the highest definition video source available.
(0/7 points) – 1.) – Name, Age, Date of recording, Studio, Video Length, Download Size
(0/7 points) – 2.) – Environment / Scenario – background motion going on, in a way that helps or hurts the scene. empty room? Lavish hall?
(0/7 points) – 3.) – Usage of 3d space / depth – Too far away? How good did the 3d feel.
(0/7 points) – 4.) – Viewer Engagement – Immersion of role and/or breaking the fourth wall in a negative way. Who is the viewer’s character?
(0/7 points) – 5.) – Camerawork – Scene variety / motion. Camera orientation and/or number of transitions.
(0/7 points) – 6.) – Replayability – Would watch again? Was the total time spent watching the video ‘worth it’. Could it have been shorter, or longer?
(0/7 points) – 7.) – Overall actors performances, scene thoughts critiques
Total = 00/49 = No Perfect Scores
… and with that in mind the first video I’ve chosen to review will be…
VRPorn Video Review #1: VirtualRealPorn.com‘s Silvia Rubi in Hard Couple – Recorded February 10, 2014
1.) Silvia Rubi is, for me, an unknown name in porn until her time spent on VRP’s site. She’s got some pretty awesome tattoo’s on her chest, so there’s plenty of eye candy while staring at her. According to her xvideo profile if she’s 29 now, that means at date of recording, she was 27. For 1.8Gb’s of data, you receive a 12 minute video, and on the whole, I gotta say, its time well spent. Downside though, is that since it was recorded “so long ago” in the VR timeline, the entire video is at 1080p @ 50fps, which means you don’t get maximum resolution per eye, you get half that, 540p per eye. It would be so much better if rereleased as a true HD video, as the pixels sometimes add up under high motion, despite the ultra high bitrate. (6/7 points)
2.) The scene presented dives in head first, fading from black to a standard upscale hotel room, with an already semi nude Silvia waiting for you to finish undressing. A Single bedroom on a mid day afternoon, with the windows open and the curtains closed. This scene is towards the obscure side, but that’s why I love it, in that it’s not POV, since the camera isn’t stationary, and will move and pan around the scene for you, so you get to take in the background as a whole, since you’re not at a fixed position. Separately, one draw back will be a constant background snip of cameras clicking randomly in the background which can be a tad distracting. (5/7 points)
3.) The depth range is exquisite, and my favorite thing about this particular video. Because the camera has 6 degrees of freedom, its like you’re strapped in to a virtual roller coaster of pornography, being guided by the cameraman. The major upshot is you get interesting and unique angles (in one camera shot at 10:40, you can see the leather of her shoes on either side of your ears as she’s taking it face down, ass up. Where else but in VR?) I Love Love Love the floating camera, we definitely need more of it. (7/7 Points)
4.) As the camera is constantly free-floating, it will occasionally rotate around back to Silvia’s face, which she will flirt and ‘smile back’, without skipping a beat. Its both breaking the fourth wall, and engaging the viewer all at the same time. Its none of this subterfuge involved with POV videos, either being obligated to look at the camera and maintain weird eye contact, or never look at the camera, and awkwardly catch glimpses, instead you get genuine lust just captured on camera, with none of the fluff. So the fourth wall gets broken? I say, this time, let it happen. (7/7 Points)
5.) There were many scene transitions, so it was not presented as a single shot, and though most of the transitions were in no way intrusive, one stands out particularly, because at 5:25 it fades straight from you being at her 12 o clock under neath her, to floating behind her 6 o clock, only for the cameraman to rotate around and put you back to 12 o clock. (Come on guys, just take the time to cut those few seconds out, I’d rather stay immersed in scene, then have a few extra seconds of video.) That one minor flaw in editing shouldn’t tarnish the otherwise amazing camerawork involved with the guy hunting for interesting angles, plus the rest of the scene transition lined up shot for shot properly. (6/7 Points)
6.) With no lead in, and no outro, its a video that’s short enough, and content rich enough, that I’d feel satisfied watching it on loop two or three times to fully take it all in (giggity), before saying I’ve seen enough, and would rather be on to new things. Never-minding I’ve come back to watch it several times now. If only there was a little more footage after the big cumshot at the end. (6/7 Points)
7.) Even though I’m two years late in watching it, Silvia’s still at the top of her game when it comes to taking a big dick. I hope high camera motion can some how make a come back with higher resolutions (3400×1700). With this scene, you’ll get tons of tattoos for plenty of eye candy no matter which direction you look. Constant moaning, plus almost zero talking, equals a video with a fast pace, no fluff, and a quick download. If you’re looking for a first video to watch for VR porn, this is the one I’ve chosen to show off first, because there’s a little of everything, and the depth really draws you in. NEEDS MORE HD! But its a small file size footprint for someone needing to get their first quick fix, and who, like me, doesn’t get motion sickness from anything. (6/7 Points)
6 + 5 + 7 + 7 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 43 / 49 Total Points = B+ (Watch Virtual Real Porn here)
Comment with what you think, and let me know if my review system isn’t meeting certain criteria. Oh, and if you have any requests I’ll certainly try to handle those as well. I intend to rotate through the different studios as I make these. Happy Fapping!
Thanks all. I did this video first to bring attention to the lost art of camera motion, as this was one of the few videos I could find anywhere which did it justice.
I felt like I needed to grade a video up/down on it’s environment, separately from the talent’s performance. I’m trying to grade a video as an entirety, and I like the locations that wow you with realism like VRG’s Sunset sisters (I think that was it’s name?)
The sun going down as a whole was top notch. Terrible, terrible shame they cut out part way through it though, really throws off your sense of really being there. That, however, shouldn’t detract away from the girl’s performances. When it comes to putting on a helmet, and engaging in a ‘virtual world’, (albeit a pornographic one) its comment worthy because of VR part of the VRPorn, ya know? That was my take on it, at least.
Going to do a new release soon.
Deep 🙂
Nice review, this girl does have eye catching taboos, though i don’t like small tits. Just wanna ask why don’t you put the “actor/actress” and the “scenes/background” into one criteria rather than “actor/actress” and “video info”?
yeah I agree, and maybe review a newer vr porn vid? I think Silvia Rubi is not doing VR now.
B+ isn’t bad for one of the first virtualrealporn videos. What do you think of the newer ones?
Wow, that’s quite a review! Nice job.