Check out the new Tifa animation from any angle and for as long as you want!
PC only for now, but let me know if there is any interest to make a Quest version.
The Baron Strap collab was not only fun to work with, but seemed like a good candidate for potential conversion to Unity since it’s a voyeur angle. It was harder than I thought and hit quite a few speed bumps, but I was finally able to get a clean version completed.
Hi, i really like your content! I was especially impressed by the voice acting and wanted to ask where you got it. Did you just find it as a free recording in the internet or did you pay someone to do this? And where do people find those nude 3d models ^^? On what websites do people offer such models? Or have you modelled it yourself?
Original artist handled the voice for this one and he hired a VA. Which one might be on his twitter. Usually it’s either original audio, I hire a VA or I do SFX myself from my sound library. Blender models are mostly on, including multiple versions of Tifa. Comment section here isn’t the best for complex / multiple questions, so feel free to hit me up on discord or patreon with any other questions.
I don’t know how easy the source material was to work with but this was really well done.
Interesting content (beyond POV boink boink) and ease of viewing it in 6dof is exactly what adult CGI needs more of.
I personally think WebXR is the more viable path (because standalones) but this was undeniably awesome and I loved it!
The video was fairly standard but porting it to a game engine was quite the undertaking. I def. agree with the need for more High-Quality 6dof CG content. I know how to achieve more results like this I just lack the resources do it large scale or at a faster pace.
Glad you enjoyed it and I have been looking into WebXR from time to time, but I haven’t found an reasonable workflow for making XR content yet, especially when it comes to hosting the content. If you have some resources I’d be happy to look into them.
quet version would be awesome. also, pls credit baron strap since this is his animation
i take it back sorta
lol yea, he’s credited in the comments, in the experience, there is a twitter post linked to him and he approved this far before I posted it here.
I would love a quest version. My pc doesn’t have a strong enough gpu for pc vr.
I had to use a special shader to get it to look good in Unity and that shader doesn’t work in an android based setup. I’ll run a test to see if I can get a quest version that looks as good as the PC version, but either way, there is a video version of this scene that’s compatible with all devices.
holy crap, this is honestly the best animation i’ve seen on this site.
Awesome, glad you like it. I’m always reaching out to new animators to try to keep things fresh but also to try to push the quality standard.