A Word of Warning…
This is not a review, this is a VERY incomplete program. I am showcasing the first alpha of True Villain, which may or may not even be the final name, so when I call this a “Villain Simulator” I’m just using that as a reference, because that’s my take on it, which may or may not be yours, or even what this turns in to. Further, as a True Villain simulator, this review provokes some very dark thoughts, much as I suspect the actual game will do. If you can’t handle that, move along so something a bit happier, like some my little pony porn…
Now, I call this up and coming roomscale, because that’s what it feels like. The groundwork is there, the game is being created in the same engine, in the same manner, and by the same guy, ZnelArts, that did the LaDouche experience. In it’s current state, it is a simple 3d non-VR environment that you can walk around in but can’t interact with. What it does do quite nicely however is showcase the textures, models, environment, detail and give you an idea of what this software will become IF we can drum up a bit of support for it. It’s written in the same engine that the LaDouche experience was programmed in, and the DEV has flat out stated that this is GOING to be a VR Game. Since it’s so similar to work that he’s already produced, it’s pretty obvious that it’s going to make the transition soon. That being said, lets take a look around.
Just Like Any Real Villain, You’re in a Penthouse at the top of a Building in a Large City.
The pad looks pretty nice, the textures and environment are in place and well developed. There’s plenty of detail to the environment and it looks like quite a bit of thought has gone into the layout and everything laying around. To me, that bodes well for things, because who would invest the time and effort into making a detailed environment and then not deliver? I hope, given the fact that this door is open, as the game is developed, things will actually be inside the microwave.. Or cupboard… Or maybe it is a microwave that you can put a dildo in… Given the name of this game, I really hope so, cause that’s the kind of thing a true villain would do right? Nuke a rubber dick so it gets nice and hot and ram it in the back door??… Gotta be as evil as evil can be… And this is looking like it’s going to have some truly hardcore stuff in it, which is a rarity.
Catwoman Takes Center Stage???
Black latex outfit with boots and gloves, check. Cat ears, check… I’m no expert, but yeah, this looks kinda catwomanish to me.. So… Seeing no “arms” or anything that might identify who the player is, aside from the bloody grin and purple sleeve on the stock picture, I can only assume I might be the Joker and she clawed up my curtains or messed outside her litter box and now needs a bit of punishment.. There’s a little slider control next to her that currently does nothing. Pressing E (Despite nothing in any guide anywhere saying anything about it) took her clothes off and damn…
Not bad, not bad at all. The body model was very impressive. From what I could tell the skin textures were definitely improved over the LaDouche series, and the poly count on the body appeared a little higher? Or maybe it was just because she was restrained and didn’t move around as much which led to less stretching? The pubic mound may have looked a tad high, but the crease in the armpit was really life like. Either way, for an alpha body, I was very impressed… I did spend some time watching her wriggle around and test out the restraints.
I did however notice several bugs that will hopefully be fixed in the future. I’m hoping that future versions of this game have additional models. Honestly, I’m kinda partial to Harley Quinn or Poison Ivy.. But, all considerations of getting sued for likeness rights aside, I would strongly suspect that multiple models will be available at a future date. It’s my understanding that the animations are the most difficult parts of these games. Anyways, after a minute, I decided she wasn’t going anywhere and decided to check out the rest of the stuff in the room.
That’s Pretty Dark…
A blood stain on a wall. In a high-rise apartment.. Clearly this isn’t your average every day sex-simulator why in the hell else would there be a blood texture in-game if things weren’t meant to get a little.. Red… Now granted, it’s still VERY early in development, and this could easily become the wildest and kinkiest BSDM simulator in existence, but the voices in my head tell me to hope for pure evil…
That’s Darker Still…
Okay, so… Admittedly I expected to find all manner of sex-toys around this place, but after coming up with nothing except these tools, noticing the open microwave, and the blood stain on the wall… I’m starting to think that someone finally has the balls to make a REAL Villain simulator.. There’s legit tools here, spreaders, a scalpel, tongs, a wicked looking hooked knife, and what looks to be a dental tooth extractor for some heavy duty dental work.. The kind of stuff that goes well beyond the mundane. I’m not talking about the creepy kinda capture someone with a ball-gag and rape them with all manner of sex toys, tentacles and penis in whatever hole Japanese forced-sex type stuff, but the truly dark things of legend… Like being the first to oh, I don’t know. Shave catwoman bald, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, the works.
The kind of stuff a guy, no, a True Villain with real problems and deep seated mental issues comes up with.. Like… It puts the lotion on it’s skin!!! Or maybe like face off and making a catwoman skin mask? You know, the kind of things that make crybabies who need a safe space because words hurt and dark thoughts should be banned curl up into a ball and cry like bitches while banning very reasonable and high quality entertainment… Such as ThrillKill, Grand Theft Auto, Rapelay, or Manhunt… The kind of people who need therapy just because someone looked at them and said “BOO!”
Or maybe, because it’s such an early version of the game to where it doesn’t even have VR support yet, the sex toys just haven’t been added in yet… I can see how all manner of sex toys, ball gags, whips, dildo’s, virtual cock’s, jizz launchers, and other colorful and wacky items could be added to the game to really take things over the top. for some intense BSDM sex fun. However, secretly, the Truly Villainous part of me is hoping it’s the former. Just wanting to know what it’s like to be able to… Express myself. I digress.. Such dark thoughts, I ought to just jump out a window and let them die with me.. Speaking of which…
The view out of the window was actually pretty impressive. It really looks like there’s a whole city out there and not just a flat texture map wrapped around the room. Upon closer inspection however….
Sure, it’s night and dark out, but you can see the street lights. The roads don’t appear to have been added in, and a little traffic might be a nice, yet wholly unnecessary touch.. Speaking of things that haven’t been added in, there doesn’t appear to be any glass.. FREEDOM! SPLAT! Well, no falling damage.. Lucky me right?
Okay, so after giving in to my temptation and jumping out the window, there’s clearly some things missing.. Given the fact that I don’t think I was supposed to be out or down here in the first place, I really don’t think it matters that there’s no outside textures to the building. It’s not something you’re supposed to see.. While I’m down here though…
The city is actually pretty impressive for it’s scale and it’s detail. You can tell that ZnelArts took his time and laid things out pretty well, including adding a couple towers with some lights for aircraft. I mean just wandering around for a couple minutes was more than enough to show that this is NOT just a cheap texturemap for a city. I mean, the texture maps on the buildings are nothing fancy, but from the penthouse view? The effect is pretty good. I only spotted one building missing a roof. Front row, a bit to the left of the big window, kinda short squat and rectangular… It was so dark out in the city, I managed to fall through the city map as well..
Fare thee well cruel world… And as I continued to fall, the whole city faded into oblivion leaving me alone with my dark thoughts of how great this game could end up being if it were truly a dark masterpiece of horrific sexual violence.. Game over…
10/10 on an alpha release. Would fall through the world and be alone with my triggered truly villainous and depraved nightmarish thoughts again!
No, I don’t consider this a beta, VR support (an integral part of the game) is not included yet.
Final Thoughts
As a 3d preview of a VR game, this doesn’t disappoint. It makes me realize that as members of the VRPorn and VRPornGaming community, it’s up to us to support individual devs like ZnelArts. We don’t have a lot of options, and there aren’t a lot of guys out there willing to push the boundaries and do something new. I’m happy to say I’m one of his Patreons, and I hope a couple other people will join me in supporting the development of both this game and the LaDouche experience.
I’m not going to lie, I see this going one of two ways. Either it’s going to become one of the wildest and kinkiest sex simulators since Virtua Sex back in the 90’s which is pretty close to what this looks like, only not.. Cause Virtua Sex’s graphics were crap compared to this… Or it’s going to turn dark. Very dark, to the point of being the ultimate VR BSDM simulator, and far beyond extreme.. Quite honestly, I kinda hope it takes the dark route. There isn’t much out there that goes for pure, hardcore, unadulterated evil.. And I think the most terrifying part about it if it goes that route, is that people will find out that they secretly enjoy being the bad guy… Either way, if the early access is any indication of the finished product, this promises to be a pretty intense power trip.
What’s Coming in The Future?
Clearly, VR support is planned. Hopefully for the next release, that being said, this release hasn’t even been out a full month yet.
Hopefully, in the next release or two, along with VR support, we’ll also have the first basic sex toys, character animations for interaction, or maybe a cute fluffy kitten to stuff in the microwave and blow up gremlins style!… Or all 3? The best part about supporting independent devs is that they tend to cater to the people who are supporting them. If you want to support ZnelArts, and get access to the latest versions of everything he’s developing, click here in order to become one of his Patreons and get the latest releases! It’s definitely money well spent.
Tagged: CGI, VR Games
I wondered how long it would take for the first serious guro vr game to get released and I was not dissapointed! 🙂
I like the environment, and I love roomscale, but this might be too dark for my tastes. Would prefer something somewhere between La Douche and this lol
La Douche could get a little more erotic in the future, and The Villain could not be so hard core. I mean I played GTAV the torture scene and I didn’t enjoy it >_< that is hardcore isn't it?
Given the chance, would you explode a kitten in a microwave? I didn’t think so… But like I said man, what you do with the game is up to you. We’re along for the ride and no matter which way you go, we’re looking forward to seeing the end result. Honestly? I’d love a crazy VR reboot of Simusex with a selection of VR tools. (1992 dos game) Brings back memories. I still fondly remember the games I used to play on my old 486 DX2… Sheesh, 4 whole megabytes of RAM…
The storyline you have proposed seem to chilling and with hard substance….
Chilling? really? can you elaborate please?
Well, the tools and atmosphere are kinda something straight out of “Surgeon Simulator”… LOL! I mean come on now.. Not that it’s a bad thing by any means, it’s just totally different… Chop off a titty and sew it on to catwoman’s face much? Blood and gore perhaps? But seriously, that’s only because there’s no actual “sex” yet and yet there’s a nice collection of sharp and pointy tools lying nearby.. Cool thing is, it gives you MULTIPLE directions to take this game in.. Choice is yours Znel, I can’t wait to see where it goes from here. 😀
Now that you mention it, I just started playing with Surgeon Simulator. I got to say that the interaction is very bad =/ and that game is hardcore x) there is blood and guts everywhere. You can just murder your patients cold blooded.
We will see how VS goes.
I appreciate the sneak peak, looking forward to seeing more
Once I have it a little more advanced I will be able to create a Video Preview.
wow… looks interesting… is there any gameplay video available so that I can experience it before trying getting it?
It’s not finished, there’s really nothing to do yet except fall through the floor and look around, it’s not even in VR yet. I did this review more to follow the development of the program, which in itself was pretty cool. Getting to see something before it’s even released and the process of how a VR game is made. I’m looking forward to the next update on it.