New studies are showing that women want to try virtual reality sex. In this day and age where women can vote, own land, join the army, and be drafted, (oh wait…) it is not surprising that surveys show that women also have sexual appetites for virtual reality sex. In my virtual reality porn experiments, I found that women enjoyed virtual reality porn just as much as men. Women test subjects were less accustomed to such experiences but that changed with time.
1 in 10 Ladies are into Virtual Reality Porn?
Recent surveys show that 16 percent of British women want to try virtual reality sex. That is not a very high number, yet it is much higher than most experts predicted. Very few systematic studies have been done to see if women enjoy VR porn or sex. That said, a large survey by Natural Cycles has shown some interesting results. How did Natural Cycles get this information?
Natural Cycles
They obtained such data in an ingenious way. Believe it or not, the developers of Natural Cycles are not even in the virtual reality porn/sex industry. They are not even in the whole virtual reality industry. Instead, the Natural Cycles developers produce applications to test and monitor fertility. If I were to guess, the developers have made this app to corner the market for non-techno-peasant women that want to get pregnant. Yet, I believe they also made this app for a second reason, that is, to gain valuable survey data from sexually active wannabe moms.
Their Secret Mission
I would venture that it is a safe bet that Natural Cycles sells their survey data. These surveys were quite large, numbering a total of 2,618 British women. Anyways, 16 percent of women doesn’t sound like much but looking at 16 percent another way, it can be said that more than 1 in 10 British Women would be ready for a virtual boning.
40 Percent are Techno-Pervs
Other numbers garnered from these surveys paint a rosier picture. Apparently, almost half or roughly 40 percent of women are looking forward to a future with technological advancements that are aimed at making sex more fun and enjoyable. Perhaps these ladies are thinking about highly customizable AI-controlled drone dildos (see video below). Drone dildos could revolutionize the way that women masturbate.
The Natural Cycles surveys found some other interesting results as well. Five percent of British women said that they currently use apps for sexual satisfaction. I would assume that this probably means that only 5 percent of women are using apps to look at pictures of hot guys while flicking the old baked bean. A higher promising number was found (20 percent) when women were asked if they would like to use social media for sexual arousal. Perhaps these women were thinking about R/LadyBoners.
Women like the Classic Dildo
Natural Cycles found the best numbers when asking women about traditional sex toys. They found that over half or 63 percent of British women use some form of sex toy. Included in this group were women that don’t use sex toys but would like to give them a go. All of this means that men have a job to do. Men must begin educating women about the glorious nature of virtual reality sex, virtual reality porn, and the virtual future of human sexuality that is coming sooner rather than later.
Its time the industry comes with more VR porn videos with female POV as the interest seem to growing with both genders
Indeed they need, I have a friend who always complain for not having many VR videos for her.
hahahaha Dildo drone hahaha
that made me laugh for a good hour. can forget that vid. lol
16% of women wanting to try vr sex is higher than expected, but makes sense. Everybody is hearing about adult virtual reality nowadays. And yeah, chicks like sex too lol.