Thanks to Lesdias ( ), you get to enjoy some quality time with Camilla! Laarel ( ) did an amazing job on the sound, so thank you to them as well! Check out the original ( ), and show Lesdias and Laarel your support!
Alec Baldwin says
Seeing the characters face close up like that is amazing. It feels so strange looking face to face with these characters and is sometimes even hotter than real porn. Once these scenes get full length and have more realistic movement and so on I doubt I’ll go back to real porn. I saw a video with from Overwatch with her face right close up to the camera and it’s the hottest thing ive ever seen in vr.
There are some long cgi videos on pornhub. How about people do the same for VR? This is great work and i imagine hard to get right so im not criticising i just want more!
VRNerd says
She’s actually hotter than many other chicks
LifeTinny says
It looks nice
OGVRFanatic says
This looks amazing!
Larryr53 says
I hope you keep up the fire emblem character work ..Camilla has many variations in the mobile game as well as many others