Premium Members: Get access to the latest Holodexxx Home DLC.
Set up your adult models and props into the lewd scene you’ve always wanted to experience, then light and photograph the scene so you can relive it wherever you go! Create your own porn, then share it with the community. We’ll be throwing contests and issuing challenges, so start learning how to light your favorite adult stars!
Core Features:
Fully virtual camera/lighting set up with physical controls built for VR/2D
Optimized, Interactive Lady Euphoria model, and dozens of static scans
Customizable backdrop and assorted props
New intense sexual animations
New Features with Scans:
8 additional full body Holodexxx scans
24 high-resolution vagina scans
Requires Holodexxx Home + Ep1/Ep2 to be installed:
I noticed these are windows files. any chance I can get this to run on Mac?
When the mannequin has nipples O:
How do you access the scans to change the model??
They’re props in the photo mode
I tried over and over to get this to work and it still won’t
you need the original Holodexxx Home and u add this on top of it
great game