Original animation by Vaako-7.(Sheva), CaptainFreeman (Nude Scout), nightboy(Daisy Room) Modified slightly and re-rendered with SFMVR_STITCH.
Didn’t catch this right away but here’s a repost! Thanks @thevoicelesscoffee & @bad-sfm for the post!
This is the first submission I’ve received, so if you have any VR content of your own don’t hesitate to contact!
On a side note, if you are an artist who has a bunch of assets for old animations, I’m going to start a fund to commission VR re-renders (Either you can re-render them yourself or you can provide the DMX and assets) Once I post my first commissioned post I’ll start a patreon to fund future animations we’d like to see in VR 🙂 Contact me if you’d like to participate!
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Nate says
Great animation! Love the dark skin too.
Josecandri says
this is funny, two melons bouncing! Great animation btw.