WAIFU SEX SIMULATOR Update 3.9 Download Links:
Complete Collection:
MEGA https://mega.nz/file/CN4wyBZC#cO0d3OvAwWStfb3Dq3UE_FUbFeRexoAwoURBP48X9H0
Wetransfer https://we.tl/t-v9S9tdf8On
MEGA https://mega.nz/file/mEBQGJLD#FrJhtFsvNIEr2Y-3p0a-l5IS3NVqiVV3aEhvircjg14
Wetransfer https://we.tl/t-ExugQK1pim
About Waifu Sex Simulator:
Dive into the world of anime and hentai, choose your favorite character from a pool of more than 1,000 models coming from the most famous animes, games, and tv shows. With more than 400 independent animations you can live the most complete sex experience, ranging from the most usual sex positions to the most extreme and rough ones. Use your controllers or even your own bare hands thanks to Leap Motion (https://www.leapmotion.com/) to interact with the models.
Bonus Content and scenes available for Patreon Supporters!
Currently available on Desktop (Non VR version),HTC VIVE, Oculus Rift, Android (Rift Cat – https://riftcat.com/vridge), Iphone (Ivry – https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/ivry/id1210129937?mt=8).
Use 7zip extraction (https://www.7-zip.org/download.html) software to extract the game files; the usage of other extractors may corrupt some of the game files.
Patch Notes for 3.9:
Added around 50 new models (including IK arms versions)
Added 11 new motions (5 sex motions and 6 dance motions)
Added 230 new scenes.
Other FIxes & Improvementes.
3.8 update is standalone, this means that to enjoy excusively the 3.8 content you will not need to have previous version of the game (But I highly reccomend to Download and use the complete collection version to have a greater experience). Some dance scenes still require the complete collection edition in order to work.
How to load a scene from inside the game – https://gfycat.com/ShamelessFrighteningAmericanbobtail
How to load a scene directly from Windows Explorer – https://gfycat.com/FamousPoliticalBabirusa
Model Clothing Removal – https://gfycat.com/HastyAnimatedLacewing
Change Art Style – https://gfycat.com/NiftyHollowIzuthrush
Unlocking Camera Controls (Up & Down) – https://gfycat.com/SaneRedJavalina
– My camera is spinning – unplug USB devices that generate an axis (joystick,wheels, ecc…)
– My camera is locked, cant move up & down – unlock camera – https://gfycat.com/SaneRedJavalina
– I don’t want to lose my custom models & custom scenes from the previous update = simply copy “userfile” and “setting” folder from the old release to the new one
– I can’t hear some audio tracks = Uninstall K-Lite Code Pack
Right-click for open/close menu
Left-click for select
mouse wheel for scroll menu
allow you to spawn the character of your choice. they are fit in folder and can be browse at choice
– per filename ( the name of the pmx model,not the name of the folder where the char is)
– per recently ( most recently used char will be at top/first )
– creation time order ( most recently added char will be at top/first)
– favorite, allow you to quickly access to your favorite chars
for adding a char in favorite, go in the char list by whatever option menionned up here, and use your keyboard arrow . right arrow to add in favorite ( will add a “O” next to the name) and left arrow to disable from favorite.
allow you to give motion to the selected char. it use same architecture system than the char selection and soo, its easy to use. each motion have his name and can easily be recognize.
sex for sex motion
dance for dances motion
the motion will be applyed to the actual selected character, for know wich one it is or how to change, check the option down here.
is an IMPORTANT part of the game.
– interaction setting allow you various option, such as make the chars look constantly in your direction or to automatically lift up her skirt when you put the camera low
– bone select is for peoples who know what they doing, it allow you to control the bones of a char and allow you to pose them specifically like you want.
– select morph is IMPORTANT, it allow you to access the various option of a char to change his outfit and bodygroup , turning off clothes parts or various elements. (all the japanese symbol stuff is for the face of the char, such as lips, eyes etc..)
– reset char pos is to reset the char to his initial position
– reset char rotate is to reset char to his initial position (in case she rotate)
– add character allow you to add AS MANY as characters as your pc can handle, you can add multiples chars, but keep in mind that each char add physics processes.
– change active char , is the option that will allow you to select the char you want to modify,move or whatever. once selected, it will show the list of all the stuff actually on the scene.
– delete char will allow you to delete a char from the scene completly, keep in mind that the last selected char will be deleted.
– char enlargement factor allow you to make chars and stuff bigger and bigger
– char reduction ratio allow you to make chars and stuff smaller and smaller
– select motion sync char, that allow you to synchronize the chars together. they will automatically synchronize when you add the motion to them if they use the same motion. but if you use 2 chars with different motion, you can synchronize them by selecting wich one is the lead
– physic setting, allow you to select wich setting of physic to use.
allow you to add or change the field/scene/place you want as background/environment. it use same system as chars and motion, easy to use.
– sound volume , as the name say…
– 3D sound reverb, as the name say…
– move mode, allow you to move around the camera, the char, the field. you can simply use the button O (the letter) on your keyboard to do that, each time you click on the key it change the option. keep it to “camera move” mode for the normal/standard
– rendering setting, allow you to use classic MMD style rendering or physic based rendering (less cartoonish)
– light setting, as it say…
– shadow setting, as it say…
– AO option, as it say…
– light scattering, again… as it say….
– tone mapping, as its say again…
– edge draw setting, give you more cartoonish style like Borderlands.
** i jump all the VR setting **
– camera setting. containt an important setting wich is : “lock x axis rotate” , active this option for be allowed to look up and down. all the others options are pretty easy to understand..
** jump leapmotion as it require VR**
– player physic, allow to set your own physic (for your char).
– water bump setting , as it say…
– use fluid , allow you to throw “liquid” to the girls and stuff.
* all the various fluid option are pretty easy to understand….
– virtual window mouse cursor, allow you to hide/show the mouse cursor on screen
– field bone/rigid, dont bother with that, its not important as you dont plan to mess up with the field XD
– clear cache, in case of troubles, to speed up the shit.
– load player character, in case you want to load a char as you ( can link camera on it easily and move in motion at FPS view)
– save scene, allow you to save the scene you created ( give crazy number name per scene, name can not be changed ingame )
– save scene override, allow you to save the scene you created, but will overwrite the last scene you saved before.
– load scene, allow you to oad your saved scene or any pre-created scene. work similar to your keyboard key pagup/pagdown, but with the difference that you can actually see the whole list and choose instead of getting each each scene 1 by 1 loaded
– play BGM, allow you to play the music you want in background.
WASD to move around
QE for rotate around
RF to move up/down
TG to look up/down without moving
B for make char look at you
V for reset physic ( in case some hair get stuck in body)
Y for turn ON/OFF the physics of outfit/hair ( save shit tons of pc power, but wont look amazing)
U for change tone mapping
I for change morphing
O for change “move” option ( remember to be back to “move camera” for the base)
P for pause the motion actually played, this will stop the whole scene, good for screenshot.
H for turn ON/OFF the shadows
J for change rendering ( MMD cartoonish or physic based for realism )
K for relief mapping option
L for light scattering option
C for camera collect option
Esc for instantly shut down the game.
# HTC Vive Controller Keys:
Menu button Open menu, Cancel, Clear all fluid
Trigger Decide, Shot fluid
Trackpad Move
Grip Button Move offset pos on selected bone
-Make sure you select Oculus Rift or Steam VR (if you have HTC VIVE) in the launcher windows options
-Leap motion is supported just select “Mounted mode” or disable it if you dont have it.
To use the “Cardboard” as a main display please follow the tutorial on description or here:
Augmented Reality Mode (Only HTC Vive):
To enable AR mode you must activate the HTC camera from Steam VR settings, also you should set camera refresh rate from 60hz to 30hz if you are experiencing bandwitdh issues.
Leap Motion Camera Mode:
Simply press “Num Lock” to switch between leap motion camera and VR.
How to Load Scenes:
Press right click mouse to open the menu (when you are inside the game)
Select the last option “etc”
Select “Load Scene”
Select The scene you prefer
You can shoot “fluid” by pressing Z key or X button on joypad (xbox joypad)
Press F1 ingame to show keylist.
How to change clothing of the model:
-Character settings
-Select active character
-Select the model
-Again character settings
-Morph settings
Note:clothing depends on the model.
How to shoot liquid with hands:
– open menu
– Settings
– Leap motion forefinger flich function
– turn ON
How to move the bones of the model:
– open menu
– settings
– Leap motion handgrip setting
– Turn on
Here’s the tricky part
– go to character settings
– select bone
– Bones are and can only be in Japanese (MMD is setted to read those japanese bone names)
– Find the bone you are looking for
The collection is running MocuMocuDance v0.82 by SenooYudai
Minimum requirements:
– Windows 7 32/64bit
– Dualcore 3ghz cpu
– 4GB of system memory
– 512MB ram on the graphics card Dx10 compatible.
– directx 9.0 redistributable pack from jun_2010 or newer.
– Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 x86 or 32bit.
– 48 GB of Hard Disk Space
Made using MocuMocuDance v0.91 by SenooYudai
Tutorial by Macadam
Haku,Ran Yakumo by usnm
Roxie by J&J
Tracer by J&J (Edit)
Dva by J&J (Edit)
Love Live Edits by Madcatz
Mei,Half nude widowmaker,mercy Devil\Imp,Tracer bikini by LGMODS
Izumi by Ademar440
SexyMi, burn it up, Cake by the Ocean, Valentine Sex motions, Bubble butt, Lean On by Vortex00
The End of ten motion by ginvpl
Multiple Sex motions by Stratovarious
Multiple Sex Motions by Ademar440
Multiple Sex motions by MisterOrzo
Multiple Sex motions by Psy
Multiple Sex motions by Isurugi_Hajime
Huge Thanks to J&J, MrjinSempai, Mary Kurosawa, Stratovarious, Mister Orzo, HibikiHusbando and to all my Patrons.
-Support the Project on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/lewdfraggy
What’s the best vr device to use with your game so that I can enjoy all the games features?
My bad I didn’t read through the whole post. I see now that htc VIVE offers all the features 🙂
Would the quest three be better and still be able to do ar? I see it in your thumbnails.
(Use a translator for your language, don’t be lazy)
Para jugarlo con los VR Quest 2/3, necesitan “SteamVR”, lo consiguen gratis en steam.
Primero vinculan los Quest 2/3 con SteamVR.
Entren a la pantalla de su computadora.
Busquen la carpeta del juego y ejecuten el archivo “MocuMocuDance”
Se les desplegara una ventana, en el apartado “RunType” eligan la opcion “SteamVR”
Activa la casilla “Full screen on startup”.
Las otras opciones son configuraciones de la experiencia de grafica, pueden modificarlas a su gusto según su pc
Listo, ya estan dentro del juego.
Sobre como jugar, búsquele la manera, tampoco seas un pajin flojonazo.
To play it with the VR Quest 2/3, they need “Steamvr”, they get it for free in Steam.
First link the Quest 2/3 with Steamvr.
Enter your computer screen.
Look for the game folder and execute the “Mocumocudance” file
They will be deployed a window, in the section “Runtype” they choose the “Steamvr” option
Activate the “Full Screen On Startup” box.
The other options are configurations of the graphic experience, they can modify them to their liking according to their PC
Ready, they are already inside the game.
About how to play, look for the way, you are not a lazy pajin either.
would be nice to have animation or sequencer i guess where we can choose to undress them while they are dancing and animate the camera to our liking as well. insane if we could have physics on chlothes and let them fall off or be taken off with animations. anchor the chlothes and disable it so it can fall. save and rewatch it and save it as a video file to watch back in deovr or something.
Se tiene que instalar en las meta o en el pc conectado a las meta
en las meta se puede,instala mobile vr station y correlo ahi
why does it downloads so slow mypc sais 5days until finish but why i mean 23GB is not to mutsh
why did it rain today?
Internet? I downloaded the large pack in less than 3 minutes. Unzipping the compressed folder is what took the most time. It took ~34 minutes to unzip it.